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Appeal Decision: Sunday Times vs Altaaf Kazi

Sun, Sep 11, 2016

SUNDAY TIME                                                                                                                   APPELLANT


ALTAAF KAZI                                                                                                                      RESPONDENT


                                                                                                                                                MATTER NO: 1782/06/2016



The Applicant in this matter, the Sunday Times (ST) interviewed Makhaya Ntini, the former South African cricket player and now the coach of Zimbabwe, and in the story, which it published on 12 june 2016, the latter expressed some remarks which were highly critical  of Cricket South African (CSA) without approaching CSA for its reply.

In its response to the complaint, and especially in its later application for leave to appeal the Ombudsman’s ruling, the ST relied heavily on its contention that ss.1.8 of the Code applies only to news and not to comment, because the sub-heading of the whole of s 1 of the Code reads ‘Gathering and reporting of News (my emphasis)’, and not comment. But another subsection, ss1.10, refers directly to the presentation of ‘inaccurate information and comment’ (my emphasis), and goes on to require the media to make amends for such a breach by communicating promptly and with appropriate prominence… so as to readily attract attention, a retraction, correction or explanation.

S 1.7 requires that ’Where there is reason to doubt the accuracy of a report or a source (my emphasis), and it is practical to verify the accuracy thereof it shall be verified.’ A specialist cricket writer would surely have had reason to doubt the accuracy’ of Ntini’s comments

Furthermore, section 7 of the Code which is sub-headed ‘Protected comment’, provides in ss 7.2 , that ‘Comment or criticism is  protected even if  extreme, unjust, unbalanced, exaggerated and prejudiced’ as long as … it:has taken fair account of all material facts that are substantially true (ss7.2.4) .

Therefore, whether or not the reporting of Ntini’s views constituted news or comment, there is no way out for the Sunday times

There is no possibility of an Appeals Panel coming to a different conclusion than the Ombudsman. The application is accordingly dismissed.


Philip van der Merwe,

Member, Panel of Adjudicators, Press Council